Get ready to be the quiz master on social media

September 22, 2016
September 22, 2016 PRNordic

Following Trivia Crack, the globally successful trivia game that gained the attention of over 200 million users from around the world, comes Trivia Crack X, a new social tool for creating and sharing fun animated trivia on social media.

We already know Trivia Crack users love to share their achievements and successes, but we also have a huge community of more than 1.5 million authors who suggest questions on a daily basis. With Trivia Crack X, people can have fun generating personalized trivia with images or video and share them with friends.” –  declared Maximo Cavazzani, Etermax’s CEO.

Just by uploading an image, users can create their own trivia regarding fun moments, curiosities or day to day life, such as: “Who is the worst cook from the group?”, “Who’s the cutest dog?”, or “Who drank a little too much last night?” When finished, they will be able to share them on social media or through messaging apps like WhatsApp or Messenger.

Trivia Crack X is a stand-alone app available in 20 languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Finnish, Catalan, Greek, Japanese, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Korean, German, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish and Hindi.