SpeedyKey is changing the way you type on iOS devices

June 7, 2016
June 7, 2016 PRNordic

With eyes on the upcoming Apple WWDC and new innovations, one guy has already delivered, what a lot of iOS users have been wishing for for years. SpeedyKey launches today one week ahead of Apple WWDC, and for the first two weeks the app will be free to download. SpeedyKey lets users write faster, move the cursor, and send instant pre-written messages with reminders and much more with the new and groundbreaking keyboard.


Most Android users know that the keyboard that comes preinstalled on their device isn’t the only option out there. For years millions of Android smartphones have had great alternatives to the default keyboards, while iOS users often looked on enviously having to stick with a slow and inflexible single choice.

Eirikur Meitilberg has worked with graphics and coding for more than a decade, and living in the Faroe Islands he felt the annoyance of having to use an inflexible virtual keyboard on iOS for years. Until he decided to make his own with a focus on speed, flexibility and ease of use. After years he is now ready to deliver a heavily expanded version of the keyboard with several new features.

SpeedyKey has been soft launched in Denmark where it took the number one spot on the App Store Paid Apps, and now the following languages are fully supported:

English – US
English – UK

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