Fotograf: Fluffy Films

Frederik skød sig selv til tops og er nu Vejles lokale mester HiFi Klubbens “Husk Lyden Cup”

Det er ikke kun på de store stadions i Rusland at fodboldkampe i denne tid bliver spillet. Der er netop i disse dage blevet udkæmpet mesterskaber i computerspillet FIFA 18 på Playstation 4.

Her var det ikke på grønsværen at kampen blev fløjtet af, men hos de 30 lokale HiFi Klubben butikker landet over. Spillereglerne var korte og enkle. Man skulle bare møde op og være frisk på at spille som Danmark mod Frankrig, i en 2×4 minutters kamp.

Hele turneringen udspillede sig i en periode over en uge, hvor den lokale HiFi Klubben havde storskærm og lækker lyd sat frem. Med en spilleoplevelse i fuldt surround lyd, var det næsten som værende tilskuer på et fyldt stadion. Mange besøgende har været forbi den lokale forretning for at teste deres evner på den virtuelle grønsvær, og den person som lavede flest mål inde for den satte tidsramme, kunne gå fra butikken som værende lokal FIFA 18 mester.

Hos HiFi Klubben i Vejle, spillede Frederik Kallesøe på 19 år, sig til en velfortjent førsteplads og vandt turneringen med 8 mål. Frederik kan dermed kalde sig for Vejle mester i FIFA 18, når det gælder turneringen med den fedeste tv-lyd. I præmie modtog Frederik et gamer headset – Steelseries Arctis 3.

Førstepladsen gav ligeledes adgang til finalen hos HiFi Klubben, Åboulevard i København, hvor Frederik fik mulighed for at teste sine evner, blandt alle de lokale vindere, og dyste om at blive landets bedste.

“Det et fedt event, jeg har aldrig prøvet så noget før, det lidt mere professionelt end at sidde hjemme foran skærmen”” – Udtaler lokal vinder i Vejle, Frederik Kallesøe

Vi ønsker Frederik et stort tillykke.

Om HiFi Klubben

HiFi Klubben er en dansk virksomhed der blev stiftet i 1980 under navnet Danmarks HiFi Klub. Virksomheden har over 85 butikker fordelt i Skandinavien, og i 2011 åbnede HiFi Klubben de første to butikker i Holland. I butikkerne bliver der udelukkende solgt lyd- og billed-elektronik. Selskabet har hovedsæde i Lystrup.

Kæden har samlet ca. 700 medarbejdere, fordelt på det centrale værksted, lager, backoffice og over 100 butikker.

Mere info om regler og præmier kan findes på HiFi Klubbens hjemmeside



Mikkel fra Amager tog sejren da HiFi Klubben i weekenden afholdte finale i den landsdækkende “Husk lyden Cup”

Det er ikke kun på de store stadions i Rusland at fodboldkampe i denne tid bliver spillet. Der er netop i denne weekend blevet udkæmpet mesterskaber i computerspillet FIFA 18 på Playstation 4. Her var det ikke på grønsværen at kampen blev fløjtet af, men hos de 30 lokale HiFi Klubben butikker landet over. Vindere fra hver af de lokale lokale forretninger mødte frisk op søndag til finalen hos HiFi klubben på Åboulevarden i København.

Spillereglerne var korte og enkle. Man skulle spille i gruppespil i en 2×4 minutters kamp. Finalen udspillede sig søndag, d. 24 hvor den lokale HiFi Klub ved Åboulevard havde storskærme og det helt største surround-udstyr fremme. Med en spilleoplevelse i fuldt surround lyd, var det næsten som værende tilskuer på et fyldt stadion.

Det var Mikkel Lionett på 15 år, der spillede sig til en velfortjent førsteplads og vandt turneringen. Mikkel kan dermed kalde sig for vinder af den landsdækkende FIFA 18 turnering, “Husk lyden Cup”.

“Jeg var virkelig nervøs, men jeg syntes selv jeg klarede det godt til kampen, jeg føler jeg var en smule heldig men jeg er ellers tilfreds med min sejr udover det “ – Udtaler en stolt, Mikkel Lionett fra Amager.

Vi ønsker Mikkel et stort tillykke.

Om HiFi Klubben

HiFi Klubben er en dansk virksomhed der blev stiftet i 1980 under navnet Danmarks HiFi Klub. virksomheden har over 101 butikker fordelt i Skandinavien, og i 2011 åbnede HiFi Klubben de første to butikker i Holland. I butikkerne bliver der udelukkende solgt lyd- og billed-elektronik. Selskabet har hovedsæde i Lystrup.

Kæden har samlet ca. 700 medarbejdere, fordelt på det centrale værksted, lager, backoffice og over 100 butikker.

Mere info om regler og præmier kan findes på HiFi Klubbens hjemmeside



SDS Fenrir Announced as Fan Festival Mount

LONDON (3rd July, 2018)FINAL FANTASY® XIV: Stormblood™ continues to provide unique and exciting content to players with today’s launch of Patch 4.35. This update debuts the latest Deep Dungeon, Heaven-on-High, the next chapter in the Hildibrand quest series, as well as new items and system updates.

Heaven-on-High challenges players to join fellow adventurers and traverse through a 100-floor dungeon that grows in difficulty with each level. The content also features a reworked leveling system specific to the Deep Dungeon in addition to special rewards for those who can reach the highest floor.

Weapon Rewards from Heaven-on-High

Today’s patch also features the latest questline in the adventures of Hildibrand, in which the inspector extraordinaire investigates crimes perpetrated by the Wolf Burglar in the Far East. Additionally, new emotes, minions, along with a new hairstyle and mount have been added, including one runner-up design from the Hairstyle Design Contest.

New Hairstyles and Mount

Further details on Patch 4.35 are available at:

Coinciding with the release of Patch 4.35 is the start of The Feast Regional Championship 2018, a series of official player versus player tournaments being held in North America, Europe, and Japan (to determine the champions within each region). The preliminaries period will begin on Tuesday, July 3rd and continue until Monday, August 13th.

The Feast Logo

Winners of the preliminaries will advance to the online semifinals—streamed and hosted by Square Enix—to determine the final teams to participate in the European finals held at the Fan Festival 2019 in Paris.

Additional information, including rules and schedules, can be found at The Feast Regional Championships 2019 dedicated website:

Fans can also look forward to an exciting season of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Fan Festivals all over the world. New information was recently announced for the upcoming FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival tour, which comes to Paris’ “La Grande Halle de La Villette” on 2nd – 3rd February, 2019:

  • The event will be live streamed free of charge in all regions, and will include all stage content except for the concerts.
  • Attendees of Fan Festivals 2018 – 2019 will receive a special Fan Festival mount: the SDS Fenrir designed by Takayuki Takeya. Additionally, attendees of each Fan Festival event will receive an in-game minion specific to that event—minion details are to be provided at a later date. Those unable to attend the events may purchase the bonus items on the Mog Station at a later date.

More details about the event are available at the official Fan Festival website:

All editions of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, including the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood expansion, can be purchased through the Square Enix Online Store here:

About Square Enix Ltd.

Square Enix Ltd. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content in Europe and other PAL territories as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix Ltd. also has a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 135 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 75 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 63 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix Ltd. is a London-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

More information on Square Enix Ltd. can be found at

FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2018 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

STORMBLOOD, the FINAL FANTASY XIV STORMBLOOD logo, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS, EIDOS, EORZEA, FINAL FANTASY, the FINAL FANTASY logo, THE LODESTONE, SPACE INVADERS, SQUARE ENIX, the SQUARE ENIX logo, TAITO and TOMB RAIDER are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Square Enix group of companies. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.


Landsdækkende FIFA18 turnering i HiFi Klubben

vil vise hvem der er den lokale mester i fodbold!

Århus, den 11 juni 2018Det ikke kun i byer med store arenaer at fodbold evnerne bliver testet af. Nu kommer muligheden også for en række lokalområder Danmark over, hvor man får chancen, for at vise sine digitale færdigheder. Hvis du er god med en fysisk bold, kan du nu også bevise at du kan sparke den rundt virtuelt med en controller i computerspillet FIFA 18. Dette er en af de få gange hvor du rent faktisk kan spille fodbold i en turnering uden at skulle have sportstøj på.

Landsdækkende finale i København

Du behøver ikke at spille på landsholdsniveau for at kunne skimte en finale i det fjerne. Hvis dine evner skulle sikre dig en førsteplads i en af de lokale turneringer, får du chancen for at tage finalen i København. Der vil blive afholdt slutspil hvor deltagerne bliver sat i grupper og derved spille sig frem til finalekampene.

Den lokale indledende turnering bliver afholdt i alle HiFi Klubbens 30 butikker landet over, fra mandag den 11. juni og fortsætter til og med lørdag den 16. juni, med den landsdækkende finale, som finder sted søndag den 24. juni i København.

“Vi vil gerne invitere til en lydoplevelse, som om du sad på et fyldt stadion i Rusland. Alle er velkomne til at kigge ind i en af vores butikker og mærke gåsehuden, når brølet rejser sig fra titusindvis af mennesker. Det er nemlig dét, som er forskellen mellem at se det på TV og at få den realistiske oplevelse i en hjemmebiograf. ” – Udtaler Thomas Nielsen, Content Manager i HiFi Klubben.

Turneringsreglerne er som følgende:

• Danmark vs. Frankrig (deltagere spiller som Danmark)

• Kamplængde sat til 2×4 minutter. Men der spilles kun én halvleg.

• Niveau: Amatør

• Andre indstillinger: Standard

Der skal kæmpes for at få den højeste score i løbet af første halvleg. Tidspunktet for de første mål vil blive noteret, sådan at der kan findes en vinder, hvis der er to eller flere, som har lige høj score.

Mere info om regler og præmier kan findes på HiFi Klubbens hjemmeside


Om HiFi Klubben

HiFi Klubben er en dansk virksomhed der blev stiftet i 1980 under navnet Danmarks HiFi Klub. virksomheden har over 101 butikker fordelt i Skandinavien, og i 2011 åbnede HiFi Klubben de første to butikker i Holland. I butikkerne bliver der udelukkende solgt lyd- og billed-elektronik. Selskabet har hovedsæde i Lystrup.

Kæden har samlet ca. 700 medarbejdere, fordelt på det centrale værksted, lager, backoffice og over 100 butikker.


Developers from Square Enix and Capcom discuss Collaboration at E3

Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), SQUARE ENIX® and Capcom just unveiled an upcoming collaboration between FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online and Monster Hunter: World™. A new trailer revealed during the SQUARE ENIX digital press conference provided fans a first glimpse at exciting new crossover content coming to FINAL FANTASY XIV Online this summer, featuring the “King of the Skies,” Rathalos, from Monster Hunter: World.

The new teaser trailer can be viewed here:

At a special Letter from the Producer LIVE stream during SQUARE ENIX Presents at E3, Producer and Director Naoki Yoshida will be joined by special guest Ryozo Tsujimoto, Producer of Monster Hunter: World, to further discuss the collaboration. The live stream is scheduled for Tuesday, June 12 beginning at 7 PM BST.

The partnership unites two beloved and wildly successful titles, with FINAL FANTASY XIV Online currently boasting over 10 million registered players worldwide and Monster Hunter: World shipping over 8 million copies since its release in January 2018. This special collaboration event will bring new challenges to players of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online featuring characters from Monster Hunter: World to the world of Hydaelyn.

Additional details and future updates on the crossover event will be available on a special collaboration website:

FINAL FANTASY XIV Online is one of the world’s most popular Massively Multiplayer Online RPGs and continues to deliver on the promise of bringing the best of the FINAL FANTASY experience to the online realm, ushering in new adventurers to its ever growing game world through regular free update content and premium expansions including FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward and FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood. FINAL FANTASY XIV Online is currently available for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, PC for Windows, and Mac OS.

For the latest information on FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, including press assets, visit:

In Monster Hunter: World, players take on larger-than-life monsters in a variety of vast living, breathing ecosystems either solo or with up to three other hunters via online co-op. With the most accessible and seamless gameplay experience in the series to date, players can take on quests to slay increasingly more challenging and dangerous monsters in the food chain in order to earn materials that can be used to craft stronger weapons and armor with unique abilities based on their fallen foes. Monster Hunter: World is currently available for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One.

For more information on Monster Hunter: World, visit: 

About Square Enix Ltd.

Square Enix Ltd. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content in Europe and other PAL territories as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix Ltd. also has a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 135 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 75 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 63 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix Ltd. is a London-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

More information on Square Enix Ltd. can be found at 

FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2018 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

STORMBLOOD, the FINAL FANTASY XIV STORMBLOOD logo, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS, EIDOS, EORZEA, FINAL FANTASY, the FINAL FANTASY logo, THE LODESTONE, SPACE INVADERS, SQUARE ENIX, the SQUARE ENIX logo, TAITO and TOMB RAIDER are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Square Enix group of companies. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

About Capcom

Capcom is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment for game consoles, PCs, handheld and wireless devices.  Founded in 1983, the company has created hundreds of games including ground-breaking franchises Resident Evil®, Street Fighter®, Monster Hunter™, Ace Attorney®, Mega Man® and Devil May Cry®. Capcom maintains operations in the U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Germany, Tokyo, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Korea, with corporate headquarters located in Osaka, Japan.  More information about Capcom and its products can be found at or

Capcom, the Capcom logo, Ace Attorney, Devil May Cry, Mega Man, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd., in the U.S. or other countries. Street Fighter is a registered trademark of Capcom U.S.A., Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.


Cross-platform MMORPG readies for first anniversary celebration with two new dungeon raids, special login rewards, limited edition loot drops, rare items and more

June 1, 2018 – NetEase Games today expanded upon the most recent content update for its mobile and PC cross-platform MMORPG, Crusaders of Light, with the launch of “Battle for Karanvale – Part 2,” featuring two new team raids, new Shadowveil Assassin PVP roles and more. The update also kicks off exciting anniversary countdown events ahead of the game’s one year launch anniversary in July.

“Battle for Karanvale – Part 2” introduces a new team raid and dungeon locale, Dawn Cathedral: Choral Courtyard, where your enemies’ powers become stronger as they become fewer in numbers; as well as a Heroic version of the previously-released but perennially-treacherous Kothas Foundry team raid. Both new raids are available for players who have reached Level 55 with Level 70 talents. Adding more intrigue to Shadowveil Assassination mode, players will now be assigned one of four distinct roles, which feature different powers and skill sets to utilize in their PVP attacks. 

Check out the new content in the “Battle for Karanvale – Part 2” video trailer:

In anticipation of the game’s upcoming anniversary, now through July 16, players can score randomly dropped anniversary chests full of exciting loot, gear and limited edition items — like a super rare flaming motorcycle mount. Players can collect the chests by participating in raids and other game activities; chests can be opened starting July 16, or redeemed for a large amount of gold currency at any time. Sweetening the pot, players who log in for seven days during the anniversary countdown period can get login rewards and free daily anniversary chests — including the highest-level Diamond Chest on the seventh day with prizes that could equal hundreds of dollars worth of in-game items.

Available on the App Store, Google Play, Facebook Gameroom and Steam as a free download, Crusaders of Light transports players to a gorgeous 3D fantasy world, featuring more than 300 hours of available gameplay, a series of challenging dungeons, team raids of up to 40 players, and much more. Gamers can take Crusaders of Light on the go on their mobile device, switch to PC via Gameroom or Steam when they want to better enjoy the stunning graphics or tackle more complex content, and continue questing using their same character, whether at home or away.

A press kit including screenshots, a logo, and video footage for Crusaders of Light can be downloaded HERE

For more information about Crusaders of Light, please visit us on Facebook:, YouTube:, or follow us on Twitter:

About NetEase Games

NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES) is a leading internet technology company in China. Dedicated to providing online services centered around content, community, communication and commerce, NetEase develops and operates some of China’s most popular PC-client and mobile games, advertising services, e-mail services and e-commerce platforms. In partnership with Blizzard Entertainment, Mojang AB (a Microsoft subsidiary) and other global game developers, NetEase also operates some of the most popular international online games in China. For more information, please visit:


PARIS, May 2018, Square Enix® is announcing the venue for the FINAL FANTASY® XIV Fan Festival 2019 in France. The event will take place at “La Grande Halle de La Villette” in Paris on 2nd – 3rd February, 2019.

The European FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival taking place in 2019 is the third major event of its kind for the critically-acclaimed video game. This global event is set to take place across three different regions, in three major cities: Las Vegas, Paris and Tokyo. This massive event will feature exciting announcements, development panels, in-game activities, merchandise, as well as amazing opportunities to play together both in-game and in live activities.

You can watch the teaser trailer for the FINAL FANTASY XIV Fan Festival 2018 – 2019 here:

For more updated information on all upcoming Fan Festivals please visits:

Related Links

Official Stormblood Site:  

Free Trial Site:

The Lodestone®:

Official Facebook:

Official Twitter: @FF_XIV_EN

Official Instagram: @ffxiv

About Square Enix Ltd.

Square Enix Ltd. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content in Europe and other PAL territories as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix Ltd. also has a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 135 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 75 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 63 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix Ltd. is a London-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

More information on Square Enix Ltd. can be found at

FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2018 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

STORMBLOOD, the FINAL FANTASY XIV STORMBLOOD logo, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS, EIDOS, EORZEA, FINAL FANTASY, the FINAL FANTASY logo, THE LODESTONE, SPACE INVADERS, SQUARE ENIX, the SQUARE ENIX logo, TAITO and TOMB RAIDER are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Square Enix group of companies. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.



New Trailer Teases Exciting Content Coming on May 22

May 11, 2018 – Square Enix® announced today that Under the Moonlight, the latest update to FINAL FANTASY® XIV: Stormblood™, will arrive on May 22. This highly anticipated patch introduces the next chapter of the Ivalice 24-man raid series alongside new quests, trial and dungeon, and much more. 

Released today, the official trailer for Patch 4.3 gives a first look at much of the upcoming content and is available here:  

The Patch 4.3 series will introduce a wealth of content and include a number of additional content updates. Details on content to be released in these patches are listed below:

New Main Scenario Quests – The Stormblood storyline continues in the far-eastern land of Doma.

New Sidequests

New 24-man Alliance Raid – The second chapter of the popular Return to Ivalice series takes players to the Ridorana Lighthouse.

New Trial and Dungeon

New Beast Tribe Quests: The Namazu – A new series focused on quests for the Disciples of the Hand and Land.

New Ultimate Difficulty Raid (Patch 4.31) – Players seeking the greatest challenges may test their skills against this new incarnation of Ultima Weapon.

New Deep Dungeon: Heaven-on-High (Patch 4.35) – Explore the 100-floor tower within the Ruby Sea.

The Next Installment of The Forbidden Land, Eureka – The Pagos Expedition (Patch 4.36)

Cross-world Linkshells – A new linkshell chat system will allow players to communicate across servers within their data center with ease.

Updates to jobs, PvP, glamour system, housing, performance actions, new powerful gear and more.

Through June 26, FINAL FANTASY XIV players can collect in-game rewards by inviting old friends who have been inactive in the game for at least 90 days. The Callback Campaign will reunite players while rewarding both parties with in-game items. Further details may be found here: 

All editions of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, including the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood expansion, can be purchased through the Square Enix Online Store here:

Related Links:

Official Stormblood Site:  

Free Trial Site: 

The Lodestone®: 

Official Facebook: 

Official Twitter: @FF_XIV_EN

Official Instagram: @ffxiv

About Square Enix Ltd.

Square Enix Ltd. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content in Europe and other PAL territories as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix Ltd. also has a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 135 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 75 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 63 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix Ltd. is a London-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

More information on Square Enix Ltd. can be found at

FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010 – 2018 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.

STORMBLOOD, the FINAL FANTASY XIV STORMBLOOD logo, CRYSTAL DYNAMICS, EIDOS, EORZEA, FINAL FANTASY, the FINAL FANTASY logo, THE LODESTONE, SPACE INVADERS, SQUARE ENIX, the SQUARE ENIX logo, TAITO and TOMB RAIDER are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Square Enix group of companies. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.



Welcome to the 2018 edition of the Nordic Game Awards! 

A highlight of Nordic Game 2018 in Malmö, Sweden on 23-25 May, the award show this year takes place in the Unreal Theatre, the main auditorium of Slagthuset, on 24 May at 18:00. And it’s sponsored by our dear friends at Epic/Unreal.

The host of the show will be Elie Abraham – composer, sound designer, voice actor and unyielding game jammer. Elie is known for speed-making music and holds the world record for a number of games sound-tracked at a single game jam. Outside of video game audio, Elie designs escape rooms, DJs and is a stand-up comedian. Ellie will hand out prizes in eight categories, and here are the nominated games:

Nordic Game of the Year

   A Hat in Time, developed by Gears for Breakfast, Denmark

   ECHO, developed by Ultra Ultra, Denmark

   Little Nightmares, developed by Tarsier Studios, Sweden

   Nex Machina, developed by Housemarque, Finland

   SteamWorld Dig 2, developed by Image & Form, Sweden

   Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, developed by MachineGames, Sweden

Nordic Game of the Year: Small Screen

   Milkmaid of the Milky Way, developed by Machineboy, Norway

   OCMO, developed by Team OCMO, Finland

   Pako 2, developed by Tree men games, Finland

   Returner 77, developed by Fantastic, Yes!, Denmark

   SteamWorld Dig 2, developed by Image & Form, Sweden

Best Art

   ECHO, developed by Ultra Ultra, Denmark

   Little Nightmares, developed by Tarsier Studios, Sweden

   Milkmaid of the Milky Way, developed by Machineboy, Norway

   Nex Machina, developed by Housemarque, Finland

   Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, developed by MachineGames, Sweden

Best Game Design

   A Hat in Time, developed by Gears for Breakfast, Denmark

   ECHO, developed by Ultra Ultra, Denmark

   Little Nightmares, developed by Tarsier Studios, Sweden

   SteamWorld Dig 2, developed by Image & Form, Sweden

   Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, developed by MachineGames, Sweden

   World to the West, developed by Rain AS, Norway

Best Technology

   ECHO, developed by Ultra Ultra, Denmark

   Fugl, developed by Muunluun, Norway

   Sparc, developed by CCP, Iceland

   Star Wars Battlefront 2, developed by EA DICE, Sweden

   Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, developed by MachineGames, Sweden

Best Audio

   ECHO, developed by Ultra Ultra, Denmark

   Figment, developed by Bedtime Digital Games, Denmark

   Little Nightmares, developed by Tarsier Studios, Sweden

   Nex Machina, developed by Housemarque, Finland

   Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, developed by MachineGames, Sweden

Best Fun for Everyone

   A Hat in Time, developed by Gears for Breakfast, Denmark

   Fugl, developed by Muunluun, Norway

   Little Police, developed by Filimundus, Sweden

   Ocmo, developed by Team OCMO, Finland

   Passepartout: The Starving Artist, developed by Flamebait Games, Sweden

Best Debut

   A Hat in Time, developed by Gears for Breakfast, Denmark

   ECHO, developed by Ultra Ultra, Denmark

   Milkmaid of the Milky Way, developed by Machineboy, Norway

   Ocmo, developed by Team OCMO, Finland

   Passepartout: The Starving Artist, developed by Flamebait Games, Sweden

About the Nordic Game Awards

The Nordic Game Awards is organized by the Nordic Game Institute in cooperation with Nordic Game Resources and the Nordic Game event team. The Nordic Game Institute consists of the following game producer associations in the region: Dataspelsbranschen (SE), Icelandic Gaming Industry (IS), Neogames (FI), Spillprodusentforeningen (NO) and Producentforeningen (DK). The organizers appoint the NGA jury, this year with the following members: Sig Gunnarsson (Iceland), Aleksandr Manzos (Finland), Jostein Hakestad (Norway), Linus Svensson (Sweden) and Christina Majcher (Denmark).

About the Nordic Game conference

Nordic Game is the leading games conference in Europe, and 2018 is its fifteenth year. Gathering over 2,000 games industry professionals in Malmö annually, Nordic Game is the one and only “home turf” meeting place for the highly successful game developers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Learn more about Nordic Game 2018, 23-25 May in Malmö, Sweden at


The Winner Will See Their Armour Set Created by the Dev Team

FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online players the world over are being offered the opportunity to see their armour designs implemented in-game with the latest Gear Design contest. Focussing on Melee and Ranged Physical DPS gear designs, the competition is underway now and fans have until 21st May to submit their designs for the chance to see them created by the dev team and added to the realm of Eorzea™.

Tank Edition Winner (July 2016): あおいん

This is the third such design contest held to implement players’ gear designs into FINAL FANTASY XIV Online. The first was held in July 2016 and sought designs for Tank gear, which were added to the game with the release of the critically-acclaimed Stormblood™ expansion. The second competition took place in March 2017 and went on the hunt for the best player-created designs when it came to Healers and Ranged Magic DPS. While the Healer gear was added as a dungeon reward in Patch 4.1, the Ranged Magic DPS gear will make its debut as a reward in The Swallow’s Compass, the latest dungeon to be added in Patch 4.3.

Healer Edition Winner (March 2017): Kare

To enter the latest Gear Design contest and view the rules, please visit The Lodestone: 

For more information on Patch 4.3: Under the Moonlight, please check out the newly-launched teaser site:

Ranged Magic DPS Edition Winner (March 2017): Rei

The FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Free Trial allows new players to easily join the millions of adventurers in the realm of Eorzea. The free trial allows anyone to access all available content up to level 35 (including the new Rival Wings PvP), create up to eight playable characters, and experience the different playable races, classes, and jobs with no restrictions on playtime. New players who wish to experience the free trial may register here: All editions of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, including the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood expansion, may be purchased through the Square Enix® Online Store here:

Related Links:

Official Stormblood Site: 

Free Trial Site:

The Lodestone®:

Official Facebook:

Official Twitter: @FF_XIV_EN

Official Instagram: @ffxiv

About Square Enix

Square Enix Ltd. develops, publishes, distributes and licenses SQUARE ENIX®, EIDOS® and TAITO® branded entertainment content in Europe and other PAL territories as part of the Square Enix group of companies. Square Enix Ltd. also has a global network of leading development studios such as Crystal Dynamics® and Eidos Montréal. The Square Enix group of companies boasts a valuable portfolio of intellectual property including: FINAL FANTASY®, which has sold over 135 million units worldwide; DRAGON QUEST®, which has sold over 75 million units worldwide; TOMB RAIDER®, which has sold over 63 million units worldwide; and the legendary SPACE INVADERS®. Square Enix Ltd. is a London-based, wholly-owned subsidiary of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd.

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