ARK: Survival Evolved To Get Even Bigger With Unveiling Of “Aberration” Expansion Pack

Survivors Face Exotic New Challenges in a Derelict, Malfunctioning ARK Set Among Cavernous Underground Biomes, Featuring Ziplines, Radioactive Sunlight and the Rock Dragon!


Not content to take a breather after this week’s official launch of its dinosaur-themed survival adventure video game, ARK: Survival Evolved developers Studio Wildcard announced today at PAX West 2017 the upcoming release of ARK’s second expansion pack “Aberration”. This new adventure will place survivors on a damaged ARK whose internal atmosphere has leaked away, resulting in a harsh surface with intense radiation and a plethora of lush underground biomes containing all-new exotic creatures and items to be acquired.


Launching in October 2017 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam, “Aberration” will be the second Expansion Pack for ARK: Survival Evolved, joining the desert-themed Scorched Earth map in continuing to shed light onto the vast mysteries of ARK!


“Aberration” will be available as a standalone expansion pack and as part of the ARK: Explorer’s Edition (Season Pass). Owners of ARK: Explorer’s Edition will get exclusive in-game Aberration-themed cosmetic item skins, immediately on Steam and in the coming days on Xbox One and PlayStation 4!

– The Aberration Helmet, formed from the damaged ARK’s obsidian-like underground rock, creates an imposing presence for Survivors who wear it.

– The Aberration Sword, forged from the Element Crystals that run within the deepest chambers of the ARK, emits a subtle glow to strike fear into your enemies.


“Aberration” Expansion Pack Features:

Tame New Creatures
Thechameleon-like ‘Rock Drake’, keep the dark at bay with a friendly ‘Lantern Pug’, or grab and toss multiple creatures simultaneously with a massive ‘Cave Crustacean’, or — if you are talented enough to tame one — command the vile ‘Nameless Queen’ to impregnate your foes with a horrifying reproductive chest-burster!
Craft Over 50 Unique Items
Traverse this new ARK using cave-climbing picks, gliding wingsuits, and ziplines. Learn advanced engrams to dominate the harsh environment, protect yourself with hazmat outfits, charge lanterns, explosive rounds, batteries, glowsticks, railguns and much more. Thrive by gathering new resources, using fishing baskets, gas collectors, fortify your home within the caverns using cliff structures, and much more!

Conquer New Challenges
With the maintenance systems of this new ARK malfunctioning, earthquakes, radiation exposure, gas leaks, and Element chambers are among the many hazards that survivors will learn to grapple with Aberration’s varied biomes, both aboveground and below the surface. Among Aberration’s greatest challenges is the hierarchy of ‘Nameless’: unrelenting, Element-infused monstrosities, requiring constant vigilance to defend against! And in the deepest depths of Aberration, their terrifying master awaits… will you be among the survivors powerful enough to face it?

ARK: Survival Evolved and the ARK: Explorer’s Edition is available now in full “boxed retail” and 1.0 digital form worldwide in retail stores and on digital storefronts for PlayStation®4, Xbox One, Steam PC, Mac, and Linux.

The ARK: Explorer’s Edition (base game + Season Pass) grants access to all expansion packs, starting with Scorched Earth (available now), Aberration (October 2017) and an additional pack launching in 2018. Visit for details on the ways in which players can buy ARK – both at retail and digital storefronts.

Since its launch into Steam’s early access program in June 2015, over 10 Million survivors have been stranded on the ARK island, wandering into an incredible land to discover how to tame, train, ride, and breed the 100+ dinosaurs and primeval creatures roaming the land. Today the mysterious island reveals its true meaning to current players and new Island initiates!

Feel like riding a dinosaur? Join the ARK growing band of survivors in the community forums HERE

Powered by Unreal Engine 4, ARK: Survival Evolved takes on the survival genre with a unique blend of emergent multiplayer cooperation and competition. Players awake stranded and starving on the beach of a mysterious island among a herd of other confused humans. On ARK, they must then hunt, harvest, craft, research technology, and build shelters to protect against scorching days, freezing nights, volatile weather systems, dangerous wildlife, and potential enemies. Tame, train, ride and breed one of 100 amazing dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts, including gargantuan creatures on a scale never before seen in video games! Fly a Pteranodon squadron over the snow-capped mountains, race through the deep jungle with your pack of trained Raptors, tromp through a fortified enemy base along a convoy of gigantic Brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex.

For the latest updates follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, subscribe to us on YouTube, visit the Website at and watch us tame and train leviathan dinosaurs on Twitch.TV.

#Cozmoments – Game Time: Well-behaved robots rarely make history

Cozmo, one of the most sophisticated consumer robots available today, is coming to the Nordic countries this autumn!

He’s curiously smart, a little mischievous and has a few tricks up his sleeve. He’ll nudge you to play and even brings his own toys to the game—three interactive Power Cubes that he’s always willing to share in fun games like Quick Tap, Keepaway, Memory Match and more.

Watch Cozmo as he plays games and even gets into a little mischief in #Cozmoments – Game Time

For more information about Cozmo visit

The Walking Dead – The Complete Seventh Season

Kampen begynder 28. september.

Danmark 2017-08-29 – Zombie-serien, The Walking Dead, vender stærkt tilbage. Oplev 16 hæsblæsende episoder i den komplette 7. sæson med masser af ekstra materiale fra 28. september i hjemmebiografen. Negan syntes at være alt dominerende og over det hele. For hvert træk andre tager, er Negan altid et skridt foran.

Saviors, med Negan i spidsen, har næsten udryddet Rick og hans gruppe. De er tvunget i knæ og har lidt store tab efter den vilde sæson 6 finale. Daryl er taget til fange af Negan, og føres til hjemstedet for Saviors. I mellemtiden sendes Dwight ud på en mission for at bringe et medlem af sin gruppe tilbage, som er stukket af.

Du er inviteret til vildt zombie-ædegilde
Alle er inviteret. Det er en fuldendt buffet indeholdende vilde zombier, blod, skydevåben, venskab, kærlighed, bedrag, eksplosive historier og meget meget mere..
Der er dækket stort op med kendte skuespillere som Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Jeffrey Dean Morgan og Austin Amelio. Skuespillere, der bærer karakter som Rick, Daryl, Negan og Dwight i denne hæsblæsende syvende sæson af The Walking Dead. 
Som underlag til historien kan man nyde en bred musikalsk oplevelse med store navne som Bob Dylan, The Jam, Roy Orbison, Brian Eno, og endda vort eget nordiske Helsinki Philharmoniske Orkester. Udgivelsen er også fyldt med masser af ekstra materiale:
  • Inside The Walking Dead
  • The Making Of The Walking Dead
  • A Larger World
  • Breaking and Rebuilding
  • A New Chapter of Fear
  • The Writers
  • Top Walkers
  • Warrior Women
  • In Memoriam 
  • Plus mere end fire timers kommentar og slettede scener.

Last Call for Team Leaders in Crusaders of Light’s $400K Competition

Check the leaderboard to see how the 40-person teams are stacking up

Crusaders of Light’s $400K Fastest Dungeon Raid Competition is underway, and the last chance to sign up as a team leader is quickly approaching. Players interested in leading a 40-person raid team into battle must sign up by August 31 at The competition comes to an end on September 10. 

The fully-fledged MMORPG from NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES), Crusaders of Light launched this summer on mobile devices and PC, and is now available for free download on the App Store, Google Play and Facebook Gameroom. Players can take Crusaders of Light on the go, switch to PC via Gameroom when they want to tackle more complex content, and continue questing using their same character whether at home or away.

The Fastest Dungeon Raid Competition kicked-off on July 13th to celebrate the launch of Crusaders of Light, and will reward one 40-person team a cash prize pool of up to $400,000 – $10,000 per eligible player. Set in Heroic Mode of Crusaders of Light’s Fort Desolation Dungeon, which opens at level 45, the 40-person team that defeats the dungeon and its two bosses in the fastest time within the competition period will take home the big prize. 

Check the leaderboard every Friday and Monday to see which 40-person raid team is leading the pack with the fastest time to conquer the dungeon. Here’s a peek at current standings as of 5pm PST on August 21, 2017:

• 7,893 players have attempted Fort Desolation in Heroic Mode

• 484 40-person teams are competing, led by 193 team leaders

• 8 minutes 10 seconds has clocked in as the fastest time in the competition so far

• 8 guilds across 6 different servers worldwide have made it onto the leaderboard

• Leading Guild: Immortals

With new players reaching level 45 in record time – some within just a few days – don’t miss your chance to get in on the action. Sign up today and check out current leaderboard standings at A video explaining the competition details can be found here. Check here for official rules and a list of eligible countries and servers.

Check out Crusaders of Light today to experience an authentic MMORPG on mobile, and take your character cross-platform for seamless play between mobile and PC.  Discover a gorgeous 3D fantasy world, a series of challenging dungeons, new friendships forged in the guild system, and, for the first time ever on mobile, 40-person raids — available now as a free download.

Download the game today from the App Store, Google Play, or Facebook Gameroom by visiting:

For more information about Crusaders of Light, please visit us on Facebook:, or follow us on Twitter:

Nordisk sesongpremiere i Norge

Snart 52 år og fortsatt i full sving. Den nye Thunderbirds-sesongen vises på NRK Super i helgene!


NRK Super har begynt å vise sesong to av relanseringen av den ikoniske barne-tv-serien Thunderbirds. Relanseringen er blitt svært godt mottatt av seere og media over hele verden. Den første sesongen fikk skryt for å oppmuntre til lagarbeid, for å vise hvor viktig det er å stå sammen, og for den utrolig detaljerte animasjonen.



Eventyret fortsetter

«Hvis du og International Rescue trodde jeg var slem … så bare vent.» – The Hood.


Sesong 1 endte med at the Hood ble arrestert. Nå står International Rescue overfor sin største utfordring så langt: THE MECHANIC, som bygger enorme maskiner for å skape kaos over hele verden. Hvem er denne mystiske nye skurken, og hva er hans forbindelse til The Hood? Svaret på dette og andre spørsmål vil snart bli besvart.


Fra sin skjulte base i Det sydlige stillehav flyr de fem Tracy-brødrene bemerkelsesverdige og hypermoderne Thunderbird-farkoster. Målet er enkelt: Å hjelpe folk i nød.


Hvor og når?

Sesong 2 av Thunderbirds vises på NRK Super lørdag og søndag morgen. Sendetidspunktene finner du i lokale TV-guider. Reprisene kan ses på NRK og NRK Super.

Step Into The Light At Gamescom 2017

• ROCCAT shows the Next-Gen Kone gaming mouse

• Horde redefines gaming keyboards with Membrane 2.0

• AIMO is the evolution of RGB illumination


ROCCAT Studios started the RGB illumination revolution ten years ago with the original Kone gaming mouse, one of the most popular and widely heralded gaming peripherals on the market. Now, ROCCAT has done it again, starting with our next-gen entry into the Kone family – the Kone AIMO. 

Gamers spoke and we listened, updating every aspect of the Kone to match their wants and needs. Ergonomically improved for better feel and comfort, with a tri-button thumb zone for greater control and a more robust 4D Titan Wheel. OMRON switches certified to fifty million clicks, with an updated SWARM driver system for easier use, and an Owl-Eye optical sensor modified to the high and exacting standards expected from a ROCCAT product. 

The Kone AIMO is also the first in a series of ROCCAT peripherals designed out-of-box with intelligent RBG lighting that learns and adapts organically to player interaction, enhancing their experience rather than distracting. We call it Living Light. The AIMO lighting system exists in tandem with our already award-winning customizable illumination functionality, patent pending.

Introducing Membrane 2.0: With the Horde, the next peripheral in the AIMO family, ROCCAT redefines what gamers know about membrane gaming keyboards. What we call Membrane 2.0, was designed from scratch by our in-house product development team. Deeply researched for ease of use, lightning-fast execution between button press and on-screen action, and built to prevent dirt from accumulating within, the new ROCCAT Horde AIMO is a genuinely new membrane keyboard experience. Also utilizing the AIMO lighting system, it along with all upcoming AIMO family peripherals will work together in one intelligent RGB lighting ecosystem. 

Both the Kone AIMO and Horde AIMO will be presented at this year’s Gamescom 2017. 

Kone AIMO will be available at retail in September in black, grey and white for 79.99USD/EUR, while Horde AIMO will hit shelves in November at a price to be announced. 

Cozmo to hit Nordic retail end September!

Cozmo, one of the most sophisticated consumer robots available today, is coming to the Nordic countries!

He’s a real-life robot like you’ve only seen in movies. He’s charming but also a bit mischievous. He refuses to sit tight and wait for fun. He’s ready to play. 

Stacking Power Cubes is one of Cozmo’s favourite activities. That is, as long as they’re stacked his way. Here’s what happens with things don’t quite go to plan…  
Check out the video here

Cozmo: big brain and an even bigger personality. For more information about Cozmo, check out:


Experience ROCCAT Games Studios‘ debut title SICK CITY & more at Gamescom 2017

– ROCCAT Studios 10th anniversary

– Next-Gen Gaming-Peripherals for a new breed of gamer

– Early Access for SICK CITY starts soon


Gamescom will take place in Cologne from the 22nd to the 26th of August. A traditional time for ROCCAT to present new products and projects.

This year, Sick City, a modern interpretation of real-time tactical combat games and at the same time ROCCAT Games Studios’ debut title, will be one of the new exciting projects fans and partners will be able to try out on ground. For the first time ever, Sick City will be available to play for the public. Following Gamescom, every player is invited to join the exclusive welcome event. For six weeks, until October 15th, Sick City will be free to try for every interested gamer out there.

But of course, Sick City will not be the only topic for ROCCAT Studios during their tenth anniversary – Gamescom will also see the introduction of two exciting new products as well as a whole new modern technology which aims set industry standards for gaming peripherals once again. For ten years, ROCCAT has been innovating and helped gamers to achieve new skill levels by improving the peripherals they play with. In 2017, the hunger to innovate has not ceded and ROCCAT will keep pushing the gaming industry forward.

General visitors of Gamescom should head over to the Entertainment area and visit Hall 8 – C.032. Trade and professional visitors should look for our Business Center in Hall 2.1 – Booth E15. For appointments with our team, please reply to this E-Mail and we will arrange scheduling.

Daedalic’s The Pillars of The Earth Out Now For PC, PS4 and Xbox One

Based on the International Best-Seller by Ken Follett, 

Pillars of the Earth Brings the Celebrated Novel to Life with Its First Ever Video Game Adaption

Today Daedalic Entertainment has announced that their highly anticipated interactive novel, The Pillars of the Earth, is now available on PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. An adaption of the best-selling historical book of the same name by Ken Follett, The Pillars of the Earth is a one-of-a-kind 2D interactive novel. The story follows a memorable cast of characters in this twelfth-century tale of the construction of a mighty Gothic cathedral which stunned readers and critics alike with its ambitious scope and gripping humanity. The game is available now for $29,99 on PC or $39,99 on console and can be purchased and downloaded in your favorite online or local store.

Players follow Jack, Aliena, and Phillip, the three playable main characters as they contend with envy, murder and politics in their quest to build a gothic cathedral in Kingsbridge and revitalize the town. The game will be released in three “books,” each consisting of seven chapters.  Book 1 “From the Ashes” is now available and players purchase a season pass which will automatically give them access to the books 2 and 3 as soon as they are available.

It was both an honor and challenge adapting such a beloved source material as The Pillars of the Earth. We focused on staying true to the scope and spirit of the story while incorporating the more immersive aspects that the interactive novel format allows.” Matt Kempke, author and game designer. Kevin Mentz, also author and game designer, noted: “Utilizing the interactivity of the game lets us to pull the player into the story and involve them emotionally so the core story beats and decisions feel more impactful and meaningful throughout.

Set in the tumultuous period of 12th century England, “The Pillars of the Earth” sees main characters such as Jack, Aliena and Prior Phillip fight to construct a revolutionary gothic cathedral in the fictional town of Kingsbridge and put their town on the map economically, socially and politically. Such aspirations draw the ire of the the town’s rivals Bishop Waleran and William Hamleigh, a vengeful noble rejected by Aliena, who see the town and its rise to importance as a thorn in their flesh. They want to see Kingsbridge burn. This epic tale crosses decades and immerses readers in medieval life yet enthralls them in tales of heart-rending intimacy and humanity along the way.

The original novel by Ken Follett has sold more than 26 million copies to date.

The Pillars of the Earth features:

• 21 chapters depicting the famous thousand-page novel
• Interactive storyline events that can be changed, influencing the fates of its characters
• Key decision points with meaningful, emotionally-engaging story choices
• Over 200 hand-painted backgrounds featuring faithful rendition of 12th century life
• Three main playable protagonists, plus two extra playable characters
• An orchestral soundtrack by the FILMharmonic Orchestra, Prague

The Boss Baby

Her er det mig der bestemmer – fra 14. september 2017!

Digitalt at købe fra 21. august, digitalt at leje fra 11. september



FOX, DreamWorks Animation og instruktøren af Madagascar har produceret en helt ny og anderledes baby. En baby der går i jakkesært, styrer sin familie med hård kooperativ hånd – samt har hovedrollen i denne hylende morsomme animations komedie ‘The Boss Baby’.


Den 7-årige Tim har en livlig fantasi. Og han har det perfekte ét-barns liv sammen med hans forældre … lige ind til mor og far en dag bringer en lillebror ind i familien. Men den nytilkommende baby, er ikke som andre babyer. Tim opdager, at ny-baby faktisk er helt speciel spion, som er ude på en hemmelig mission. En mission, der indebærer et uventet klimaks af den episk kamp mellem nuttede hundehvalpe og gylpende babyer…


The Boss Baby er en underholdende historie om vigtigheden af familie, og hvordan en ny babys ankomst påvirker alle i hjemmet. Filmen kan opleves på dansk eller på original sproget engelsk-amerikansk. Instruktion af Tom McGrath. Musik af Hans Zimmer. Spilletid 1h37m.


Filmen kan allerede opleves som digitalt køb fra 2017-08-21.