Otaliga fans av den evigt populära Fast & Furious-franchisen har något nytt att se fram emot i höst. Anki, robotik- och Artificiell Intelligens (AI)-företaget, tillkännagav idag Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition, som lanseras i september 2017. Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition kommer att sammanfoga de mest spännande elementen av det framgångsrika, robotiska kamp-racingspelet – en aldrig tidigare skådad nivå av anpassning och interaktion i ett fysiskt spel, drivet av kraftfull AI – blandad med den väldigt underhållande och otroligt karaktärsrika världen som är Fast & Furious. Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition kommer att anlända i de danska / finska / norska / svenska butikshyllorna i september 2017.
“Vi har letat efter rätt varumärkespartnerskap för att hjälpa oss att höja vår robotiska racingupplevelse till nästa nivå av underhållning och vad passar då bättre än en av världens mest kända actionserier”, säger Boris Sofman, VD & medgrundare, Anki. “Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition levererar den ultimata adrenalinrushen för miljontals Fast & Furios-fans och slår samman fiktionen i hitfilmerna – inklusive de ikoniska bilarna och karaktärerna – med videospelselement, fysiskt spelande och robotik.”
Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition har två mycket detaljerade robotiska Supercars, baserade på de högoktaniga fordon som favoriseras av karaktärerna i filmerna, Doms Charger och Hobbs MXT. Varje Supercar är beväpnad med unika vapen, uppgraderingar, ljudeffekter och kontroller. Spelare kommer att kämpa vid sidan av och mot väletablerade karaktärer från filmerna, inklusive Dom, Hobbs, Letty och Tej. Deras ikoniska röster bringar de episka filmmomenten till liv, då spelare tävlar mot Toretto-crewet eller mot vänner och familjemedlemmar. Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition innehåller också en helt ny, exklusiv Fast & Furiois-bana, som ger ännu mer av spänningen i filmerna i ditt spel. Kör genom Power Zone och utlös en massiv explosion som oskadliggör närliggande motståndare.
“Som en av NBCUniversals mest älskade och varaktiga franchiser genom tiderna är vi extremt selektiva när det gäller att identifiera de varumärken vi samarbetar med för att licensiera Fast & Furious-titeln”, säger Manuel Torres Port, Executive Vice President, Worldwide Consumer Products, Universal Brand Development. “Efter att ha upplevt den revolutionerande tekniken och gameplayen som Anki OVERDRIVE erbjuder, kom beslutet att arbeta med Anki för att skapa en ny och innovativ version av hur fansen kan uppleva världen Fast & Furious som ett självklart val. Vi är stolta över att lägga Anki till vår växande lista av marknadspartners för franchisen. “
Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition kommer att vara kompatibel med ekosystemet Anki OVERDRIVE, inklusive Anki OVERDRIVEs bilar och banor. Spelet kommer att kräva en separat, gratis nedladdningsbar Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition-app på kompatibel enhet.
Oplev Fast & Furious på stuegulvet til september med Anki OVERDRIVE: Fast & Furious Edition
Historical RPG ‘Expeditions: Viking’ Goes Gold, Price Announced – free Weekend for Conquistador Coming Soon on Steam!
Danish indie studio Logic Artists announces that Expeditions: Viking, the highly anticipated sequel to Expeditions: Conquistador (2013), is scheduled for release on April 27th, 2017 – and has reached its Gold version. To celebrate, Logic Artists is running a free weekend for Expeditions: Conquistador on Steam.
Logic Artists is pleased to confirm that its much-anticipated release of Expeditions: Viking is on schedule for April 27, 2017. The studio announced this morning that the Gold Version milestone has been reached.
To celebrate, Logic Artists is running a Free Weekend on Steam for its first title in the Expeditions Series – Expeditions: Conquistador. April 21st, 10am PDT.
With the game now out in the hands of the media for review access, the path is set and Expeditions: Viking will be available for purchase in stores and online next week.
Logic Artists Producer Ali Emek says, “After two years of development, we are on track toward our studio’s best release so far. Expeditions: Viking is now feature complete and we’ll be spending the last month of development tightening the screws and polishing the release build, improving on our performance capabilities, and (with the assistance of a large community of closed beta testers) squashing the remaining bugs.”
Creative Director Jonas Waever adds, “It’s been a real journey, and with the positive feedback from our recent trip to PAX East and from our closed beta, we’re excited to get Expeditions: Viking into our players’ hands. And to celebrate the coming release of our second game in the Expeditions Series we’re giving players a free weekend with Expeditions: Conquistador to get ready for Viking.”
Expeditions: Viking releases April 27, 2017 and will cost 29.99 USD / 29.99 EUR / 24.99 GBP / 499 RUB
The Deluxe Edition includes a digital artbook, the original soundtrack by award-winning composer Knut Avenstroup Haugen (Age of Conan, Lords of the Fallen), and the Blood-Ice DLC. The Deluxe Edition will cost 34.99 USD / 34.99 EUR / 28.99 GBP / 650 RUB
ROCCAT Modulok: World’s first fully modular headset stand
– Compatible with all ROCCAT headsets
– Endless Customization through modules
– Community Integrated development process
The time of seeing headsets lying around the table belongs to the past: the ROCCAT Modulok is the new stylish home for all ROCCAT headphones. The ROCCAT Modulok offers customizable expansion modules allowing it to be a truly personalized audio command center to fit every gaming station.
During a first phase the Modulok will be bundled for free with ROCCAT Cross Headsets exclusively on the ROCCAT Shop. Also during this period, the “Consumer integrated product” design phase will launch on our website. The concept was already employed with great success during the development of the Sova. The term we coined for this is wevelopment, as the community is an integral part of the design process. Consumers work together hands in hands with ROCCAT to develop a tailor-made product. Consumers and potential amateurs of the Modulok will have the chance to share their opinion and suggest input on our dedicated development website.
Together with our community, we explore this development phase as a way of selecting and designing all the additional functions the ROCCAT Modulok will host. Many opportunities and ideas are already in the works, such as a volume control, a USB-Hub, and external 7.1 Soundcard. Users can share their opinions on existing ideas as well as propose new inputs for possible modules. This ensures that the final product delivered, offers what the market truly needs.
Once we have agreed on the “Must-Have-Modules”, these will become available in retail and e-tail channels. ROCCAT is also planning in offering a bundle with the most selected modules from the wevelopment phase. Should the community feedback be that the Modulok doesn’t need any add-ons, the Modulok will stay what it is: the most stylish headset stand on the market today.
Assassin’s Creed Fassbender i flot tidsdrama
Filmudgivelsen til spillet Assassin’s Creed kan opleves fra d. 26 maj!
Den Oscar-nominerede Michael Fassbender spiller hovedrollen i dette action-eventyr, der er baseret på det yderst populære computerspil af samme navn. Fassbender spiller Callum Lynch, der går i sine forældre fodspor i 1400-tallet ved hjælp af en teknologi, der låser op for hans genetiske minder. Callum finder ud af, at han engang var medlem af en hemmelig gruppe af lejemordere og udvikler dødelige egenskaber for at dræbe de undertrykkende tempelriddere.
Oplev Justin Kurzel’s blændende filmoplevelse med flotte præstationer af blandt andet Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons og Brendan Gleeson og naturligvis Michael Fassbender.
Assassin’s Creed udkommer 26. maj på UHD, 3DBD, BD samt DVD.
Du kan finde filmen som EST HD / SD fra 15. maj, mens den kan lejes som VOD fra 22 maj.
Callum Lynch – “We work in the dark to serve the light. We are assassins!”
Oplev Assassin’s Creed i Ultra HD 4K eller i 3DBD Combo pakker (indeholder også standard BD disk)
For Ultra HD 4K
- 4K Resolution – 4 Times Sharper than HD
- High Dynamic Range (HDR) – Brilliant Brights, Deepest Darks
- Wider colour spectrum – More Lifelike Colors
- Immersive audio – Multi-Dimensional Sound
Ekstra materiale på BD disk
- Take the Pledge: Behind the Scenes with Assassin’s Creed Five-Part Documentary
- Conversations with Justin Kurzel
- Deleted Scenes Conversation with Justin Kurzel & Christopher Tellefsen
- Gallery & More!
Ekstra materiale på DVD disk
- Take the Pledge: Behind the Scenes with Assassin’s Creed Five-Part Documentary
- Gallery
Expeditions: Viking – Developers Release new Devs Play Video showing off latest combat abilities!
Danish indie studio Logic Artists releases new Developer Showcase footage of Expeditions: Viking, the highly anticipated sequel to Expeditions: Conquistador (2013), scheduled for release April 27th, 2017.
Logic Artists, the developers behind Expeditions: Viking are gearing up for the game’s imminent release and as such have recorded a Devs Play showcasing the latest in combat abilities available in Expeditions: Viking! This latests devs play arrives just 3 weeks before Expeditions: Viking is scheduled to release online and in stores April 27th, 2017.
In this video Logic Artists Creative Director, Jonas Wæver shows a number of the (more-than) 70 activatable combat abilities available in Expeditions: Viking. He had this to say about it, “In Expeditions: Viking we created a class-free RPG where we wanted players to be able to experiment and synergize with a variety of different combat weapons and abilities. In this Developer’s Play Video, we’re showing how a player might build a group so that their weapons and skills work well together.”
Expeditions: Viking releases for Windows PC April 27th, 2017 and will be available online on Steam, GOG, GamersGate, and Greenman Gaming and in stores worldwide.
Take a look at the video on youtube: https://youtu.be/lR3-n5QUU3Q
reddot Design Award 2017 won by Xtorm
Awards flooding in for XB2 power banks
Xtorm, manufacturer of mobile charging solutions, is winner of the Red Dot Design Award 2017 in the category Product Design. Xtorm received this prestigious design award for its innovative XB2 power banks.
The Red Dot Design Award is a globally recognised design award which received entries from 54 countries this year. The international jury, comprising 40 experts in the field of design, judged the entries on such criteria as innovation, functionality, quality and sustainability. The Xtorm XB2 power banks won the Red Dot Design Award for their distinctive design, which sets them apart from similar products on the market.
The awarded XB2 product line consists of three power banks that enable charging of mobile devices anytime and anywhere. The power banks Travel, Explore and Discover are made of high quality materials and have respective capacities of 6,700mAh, 10,000mAh and 17,000mAh.
The Power banks in the XB2 line have been cleverly designed incorporating innovative charging technologies, such as Quick Charge 3.0 and USB-C (Discover). Moreover, the removable cable is very handy as you can’t forget it and it means you can charge your mobile devices whenever you need to.
The XB2 line recently received the world renowned iF Design Award for 2017. With two leading design awards in the pocket, the future looks promising for the Xtorm XB2 Power banks.
Price and availability
The recommended retail prices of Xtorm power banks are € 45 (Travel), €65 (Explore) and € 85 (Discover). The Power Banks are available from various (online) stores and Xtorm.eu. Xtorm offers two years guarantee and unlimited help desk support on all its products.
About Xtorm
Xtorm was founded in 2008 and is part of the Telco Accessories company, with its head office in Houten (NL). Xtorm designs, manufactures and markets innovative universal mobile charging solutions. Xtorm Business products complements the range. Xtorm products are contemporary, user friendly and high quality. Xtorm products are currently available in 52 countries worldwide. In 2011, 2013 and 2015, Xtorm won the Red Dot Design Award, in 2015 they won the Hardware.info Best Choice Award, and in July 2016 the Dutch Consumer Association named Xtorm “Best in the Test”. For more information visit www.xtorm.eu.
Digital Extremes Celebrates Four-Year Milestone With Massive Update Today
Octavia’s Anthem Strikes a Musical Chord to the Tune of
30 Million-Plus Registered Users
Independent developer and publisher Digital Extremes is proud to announce the first major Warframe® update of 2017, Octavia’s Anthem, marks the game’s four-year anniversary. Once an experimental PC Beta in 2013’s volatile market, the free-to-play, cooperative online action game, Warframe, is now a critical success that provides players with consistent, significant updates on three platforms, and is powered by one of the most robust, dedicated communities in the industry including more than 30 million registered users. With more than 29 million Warframes crafted, 3 billion missions successfully completed, 14 trillion Crewmen killed, and 17 quadrillion XP earned, the past four years have kept players busy!
In light of its four-year birthday, Digital Extremes is marking this milestone with the release of its inventive new PC update that expands musical boundaries like none before it. Octavia’s Anthem has Warframe players journeying through an original, lore-driven quest in search of the musically enchanted Octavia Warframe. Along with Octavia comes the introduction of a simple-to-use musical instrument that enables players to compose original songs and synchronize them to their weapons to rhythmically dominate the enemy. Music isn’t just a tool of destruction in this update — players can create musical arrangements in cooperation with other Tenno and trade songs. For story buffs and lore fans, a newly written web comic, entitled What Remains, explores material well in advance of Octavia’s Anthem. Check the web comic’s first teaser cells here: warframe.com/octavias-anthem.
Download the new Octavia’s Anthem update, including the four-year infographic, screens, and artwork here: digitalextremesltd.app.box.com/s/wsqrt0hqgeelq2pggjq4s2clhwloh0pc
Additionally, players can capture, edit and share their customized Warframes using the robust Captura photo capture tool. The result is stunning Warframe images to use as wallpaper, screenshots and art. New Weapons, Helmets, Glyphs, and more are also included in this update, available today on PC for free.
Key features in the Octavia’s Anthem update include:
• NEW WARFRAME: Force your foes to face the music with Lotus’ newest warrior, Octavia. Octavia’s abilities are powered by the Mandachord, a formidable tool used to mix Melody, Bass, and Percussion into a harmony of destruction. Create cooperatively devised songs with friends in dojos, or download other Tenno-created songs and re-experience Octavia from a different perspective.
• NEW CAPTURA FEATURE: Don your best Fashion Frame, then capture and edit the ultimate image with a variety of filters, graphics and editing tools.
• NEW QUEST: The Octavia’s Anthem Quest will have you drawn into the Relay by the vast consciousness Cephalon Suda, whose strange, disoriented behavior warrants investigation. Find out what happened to Cephalon Suda before it’s too late and the knowledge she has collected is destroyed. Beware, Tenno, as darkness lingers.
• NEW WEAPONS: Wield two new weapons designed to work in synch with the Octavia Warframe.
The Digital Extremes development team is marking Warframe’s four-year anniversary by offering four anniversary gifts. On Tuesday, March 28, players will receive a free Dex Nouchali Syandana in their Landing Craft Inbox, while the Dex Sybaris, Dex Dakra, and Dex Furis — previous Warframe anniversary gifts — are available to earn in Alerts from Friday, March 24 to Monday, March 27 at 11 am PST/2 p.m. ET.
Please visit the official Warframe website at www.warframe.com to join the community and download the game. To keep up with the latest updates from the development team, be sure to follow Warframe on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
Digital Extremes Partners With iam8bit To Celebrate The Unparalleled Sound And Style Of Warframe
Pre-Order Set for 2X LP Vinyl Soundtrack and Limited Edition Artist Signed Collectible Art Prints
Independent developer and publisher Digital Extremes, creators of the cooperative online action hit, Warframe®, is partnering with pop culture tastemakers, iam8bit, on a creative array of original art-house Warframe merchandise, available for a time-limited pre-order here, store.iam8bit.com/, starting at 7 am PST/10 am EST, Friday, March 17.
Download iam8bit/Warframe album, miniature prints and pin assets here: digitalextremesltd.box.com/s/jik4slefe6zb67xm77ar0cwdvfdvrlye
Adorned with original artwork created by celebrated Spanish illustrator Patricio Betteo, Digital Extremes has remastered 24 tracks from the original score composed for Warframe and its first cinematic quest, The Second Dream, into a 2X LP vinyl soundtrack – digital download also included with the vinyl purchase. The moody, energetic electronica style sounds come from the talented mind of Hollywood composer Keith Power (Avengers: Age of Ultron, Criminal and Hawaii Five-0) with direction and mixing by Audio Director, George Spanos and the Digital Extremes’ in-house sound team.
The newly established iam8bit collaboration also brings a limited edition set of Warframe fine art prints, featuring all 32 Warframes in a stylized blend of Patricio Betteo’s distinctive abstract, illustrative pieces. The art prints are offered in a 6X6 inch giclee format, printed using archival inks and acid free paper and available in blind bags of five (randomly assorted), or in a complete set of 32 for players to collect, trade, and frame. The pre-order window lasts only 31 days starting March 17; the art prints will be numbered to fulfill the quantity of orders received.
Last, the first array of uniquely styled collectible enamel pins created from the highly popular in-game Glyphs are also available for pre-order on iam8bit’s online retail store, store.iam8bit.com/.
The Warframe Soundtrack includes 24 songs from Warframe and the 2015 cinematic quest, The Second Dream. The full song list features:
Warframe boasts an active community of more than 26 million registered players. Please visit the official Warframe website at www.warframe.com to join the community and download the game for free. To keep up with the latest updates from the development team, be sure to follow Warframe on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
Oplev Brad Pitt og Marion Cotillard i Allied
Spion-kærlighedshistorie fra 6. april 2017
Fra instruktøren af Forrest Gump og Cast Away kommer en romantisk thriller, du simpelthen ikke må gå glip af. Da efterretningsofficeren Max Vatan finder ud af, at hans kone Marianne måske arbejder for fjenden, har han kun 72 timer til at bevise hendes uskyld.
Oplev Brad Pitt og Marion Cotillard udspille et episk kærlighedsdrama – først i Marokko og senere i Storbritannien.
Marianne “They are watching us – now kiss me!”
Under 2. verdenskrigs første år skal Max Vatan hjælpe efterretningstjenesten med en hemmelig operation i Marokko. Her møder han Marianne, en fransk agent, der skal agere som hans kone. Missionen fuldføres perfekt og de to agenter ender med at blive dybt forelsket i hinanden. Tilbage i England laver Max og Marianne deres lille rede, med et hus, barn, samt masser af venner og bekendte.
Alt er idyl indtil Max en dag bliver kaldt ned i ‘kontraspionage-kælderen’, hvor han får den værste mission i sit liv. Hans kone kan være en hemmelig tysk agent. Han skal lade nogle umiddelbart sensitive informationer ligge fremme for Marianne at kunne se. Hvis kontraspionage-enheden inden weekenden er omme har opsnappet en videresendelse af informationerne, ved de at hans højt elskede kone er en spion.
Max har 72 timer til at bevise hendes uskyld.