NetEase Games’ MMORPG Crusaders of Light Coming to Steam in March 2018

By popular demand, a new North American Server will be added with a pre-reg campaign
featuring an exclusive gift pack with up to $50 of in-game gifts.
BRISBANE, Calif. – Today – NetEase Games (NASDAQ: NTES) today announced that Crusaders of Light, the cross-platform fantasy MMORPG, will soon be available on Steam for PC players in March 2018. Previously launched on The App Store, Google Play and Facebook Gameroom, Crusaders of Light features a gorgeous 3D fantasy world, a series of challenging dungeons, and raids of up to 40 players. Players can join in on the adventure whether they’re on mobile or desktop and continue questing with the same character.
In celebration of the game’s launch on Steam, NetEase will simultaneously open a new server for North American players, as voted for by the Crusaders of Light community. The new server — Ferroc Camp, set at North America UTC-8 — will be available across all platforms. Players can pre-register now for the new Ferroc Camp server to exclusively receive up to $50 worth of in-game gifts and an exclusive gift pack. Full details can be found on the pre-registration page.
Pre-registration is now open HERE
Whether at home or on the go, Crusaders of Light players can set virtual foot in a the fantastical world of Milura and experience over 300 hours of available gameplay, featuring exciting loot quests, crafting customizations and increasingly difficult dungeon trials. Players can play how they like, where they like, switching easily between mobile and PC using their same character. A fully-fledged MMORPG with PC-quality graphics, Crusaders of Light was nominated one of Facebook’s 2017 Best Free-to-Play Gameroom Games of the Year.
A press kit including screenshots, a logo, and video footage for Crusaders of Light can be downloaded HERE
For more information about Crusaders of Light, please visit us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.
Interested to sign up for code or possible questions, please contact:
About NetEase
NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES) is a leading internet technology company in China. Dedicated to providing online services centered around content, community, communication and commerce, NetEase develops and operates some of China’s most popular PC-client and mobile games, advertising services, e-mail services and e-commerce platforms. In partnership with Blizzard Entertainment, Mojang AB (a Microsoft subsidiary) and other global game developers, NetEase also operates some of the most popular international online games in China. For more information, please visit:


ROCCAT introduces new Khan AIMO RGB gaming headset

– Virtual 7.1 surround sound 

– Perfectly paired Hi-Res Driver and Sound Card Solution 

– Completes ROCCAT AIMO RGB ecosystem – 

ROCCAT proudly announces its new Khan AIMO headset. Part of the AIMO illumination series, the premium headset builds upon the strengths of the critically acclaimed Khan Pro. It boasts high quality 50mm drivers capable of Hi-Res audio, a microphone that covers the full vocal spectrum and a supremely comfortable fit.

The Khan AIMO features an integrated sound card capable of producing crystal clear sound up to 24-bit at 96KHz, easily outperforming onboard audio solutions provided on most gaming motherboards. This ensures gamers don’t have to worry about having a headset that needs a specific sound card, with the Khan AIMO representing a complete, premium solution right out of the box. The dedicated sound card coupled with high-end driver units offer amazing virtual 7.1 surround sound, placing the gamer right at the center of the action, improving immersion in-game as well as the ability to pinpoint enemy locations. The virtual surround sound can also be disabled by users as per their preference, with the Khan AIMO functioning as an excellent stereo headset as well.

The Khan AIMO is built tough. High quality materials such as the stainless-steel sliders ensure durability and a long lifespan. In spite of its durability, the Khan AIMO is also exceptionally light at only 275 grams, making it one of the lightest USB RGB headsets on the market. Memory foam earcups combine with comfortable headband padding, making it the perfect companion for long-lasting gaming sessions.

The Khan AIMO is also fully Swarm compatible. The well-known ROCCAT driver system allows the user to set up the stylish AIMO RGB lighting effects that harmoniously complement their gameplay, as well as choose between many different equalizer modes. Swarm offers a myriad of options to customize and optimize the sound experience to personal preferences. Khan AIMO has it all, great comfort for extended gaming sessions and rich audio quality with virtual surround. The smart AIMO lighting rounds out the premium Khan AIMO package.

The headset will soon be available in all major retail and online outlets at a competitive price of just: Denmark : 949,00 DKK / Sweden : 1249,00 SK / Finland : 119.90 € / Norway : 1249,00

ATARI Flashback out now in retail across the Nordic countries!

ATARI Flashback – Bring back all the good memories that you had with ATARI!

Atari is presenting a new version of everyone’s favourite console – the Atari Flashback 8 HD. It is out now in retail across the Nordic countries. ATARI Flashback 8 is rebuilt from the ground up with the latest technology and, therefore, consumers can now experience their favourite classic ATARI games in a whole new way. The new console comes with many of the popular classic games such as Space Invaders, Centipede, Millipede and many more. Do not miss out on the opportunity to experience the excitement of your childhood memories all over again.     
Product features:

  • Two 2.4G Wireless Controllers
  • HDMI port supporting HD
  • Multiple Display Modes
Including entire catalogue of 120 cool games:

  • Space Invaders
  • Centipede
  • Millipede
  • Pitfall!
  • River Raid
  • Kaboom!
  • Spider Fighter


Oink! / Outlaw / Pitfall II: Lost Caverns / Plaque Attack / PolarisTM / Pong (Video Olympics) / Pressure Cooker / Radar Lock / Realsports® Baseball / Realsports® Basketball / Realsports® Soccer / Realsports® Volleyball / Return to Haunted House / River Raid II / Robot Tank / SaboteurTM / Save Mary / Seaquest / Secret Quest / Skiing / Sky Diver / Slot Machine / Slot Racers / Solaris / Space InvadersTM / Space War / Sprintmaster / Star Ship / Steeplechase / Stellar TrackTM / Street Racer / Submarine Commander / Super Baseball / Super Breakout® / Super Football / Surround / Spider Fighter / Stampede / Starmaster / Swordquest: Earthworld / Swordquest: Fireworld / Swordquest: Waterworld / Tempest® / Tennis / Video Checkers / Video Chess / Video Pinball / Warlords® / Wizard / Yars’ Return / Adventure / Asteroids® / Centipede ® / Kaboom! / Missile Command® / Pitfall! / River Raid / Yars’ Revenge® / 3-D Tic-Tac-Toe / Adventure II / Air·Sea Battle / Aquaventure / Atari Climber / Backgammon / Barnstorming / Basketball / Beamrider / Black Jack / Bloody Human Freeway / Bowling / Boxing / Breakout® / Bridge / Canyon Bomber TM / Championship Soccer TM / Checkers / Chopper Command / Circus AtariTM / Combat® / Combat Two / Cosmic Commuter / Crackpots / Crystal Castles® / Decathlon / Demons to DiamondsTM / Desert Falcon® / Dodge’Em / Dolphin / Double DunkTM / Dragster / Enduro / Fatal Run / Fishing Derby / Flag Capture / Football / Freeway / Frog Pond / Front LineTM / Frostbite / Fun with Numbers / Golf / Gravitar® / Grand Prix / Hangman / Haunted HouseTM / H.E.R.O. / Home Run / Human CannonballTM / Ice Hockey / Indy 500 / Jungle Hunt / Keystone Kapers / Laser Blast / Maze Craze / Megamania / MillipedeTM / Miniature Golf / MotoRodeo / Night DriverTM / Off The Wall

Suggested retail price:

Denmark – 799 kr

Finland – 99,99 euro

Norway – 999 kr

Sweden – 999 kr

Anastasios Soulis i Thunderbirds

Säsong 2 börjar visas nästa år!
Nu kommer nystarten för den ikoniska barnserien Thunderbirds i och med säsong två som kommer till nationell tv. Omlanseringen av serien har mottagits extremt väl av både allmänheten och media världen över. Den första säsongen är älskad för att den uppmuntrade till samarbete, visade hur viktig sammanhållning är och för de fantastiska animeringarna.
Äventyret fortsätter
“Om ni och International Rescue tyckte att jag var illa … Vänta bara.”  – The Hood

De fem Tracy-bröderna agerar från en dold öbas i Stilla havet med sina otroliga och högteknologiska Thunderbird-fordon i ett enda syfte: att hjälpa folk i nöd.
I slutet av säsong 1 ställdes The Hood inför rätta. Nu står International Rescue inför sin största utmaning hittills – The Mechanic, som bygger monstruösa maskiner för att ställa till med kaos i världen. Vem är denna mystiska nya skurk, och vad har han för koppling till The Hood? Snart kommer svaren på de här och andra frågor.
Väl valda skådespelare och professionella rösttalanger hjälper till att ge liv till våra hjältar under deras farliga uppdrag. Nedan finns en lista över de som gjort rösterna till huvudkaraktärerna i Thunderbirds.
Scott Oliver Åberg
Virgil Christian Hedlund 
Alan Melker Duberg
Gordon Freddy Åslund
John Anastasios ”Stasse” Soulis
Brains (IQ) Arman Cho 
Kayo Mikaela Ardai Jennefors
Var och när?
Se sändningstider i tv-tablåerna. Säsong 1 finns även tillgänglig på Viaplay.

Playdead’s INSIDE Available Now on iOS

Playdead announces that the award winning title INSIDE is now available on iPhone, iPad and Apple TV.
INSIDE is free to download and try. Full game can be unlocked for DKK 59,00 Denmark, Euro 7,99 Finland,  NOK 75,00 Norway and SEK 75,00 Sweden  on iTunes:
Assets for INSIDE can be found here
INSIDE is an action-adventure puzzle game, which follows Playdead’s critically acclaimed title LIMBO, released in 2010.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information.

Nordens Hurtigste Digitale Racerkører er Dansker!

Peter Bielefeldt fra Taastrup overhalede svenskere og nordmænd indenom i hæsblæsende konkurrence i Hi-Fi Klubbens skandinaviske butikker


Vrooom! Sømmet blev trådt i bund, da der forleden blev afholdt konkurrence i 30 Hi-Fi Klubben-butikker landet over. Med mulighed for at blive enten lokal- eller Danmarksmester i PlayStation 4 racerspillet, “Gran Turismo Sport”, var der bogstaveligt talt mere på spil end æren. De hårdt prøvede lokale vindere kunne nemlig trille hjemad med et par SteelSeries Arctis 3-høretelefoner. Alle skævede dog mest til hovedpræmien: en potent hjemmebiograf inklusiv surround-lyd, projektor og PlayStation 4 Pro.


Skandinavisk mester
Deltagerne hele landet over gassede op til start. Først over målstregen var Peter Bielefeldt fra Taastrup, der bragede igennem med tiden 1:38:682. Den hurtigste i Skandinavien, eftersom Norge og Sverige også afholdte konkurrence i racerspillet.


“Det var helt vildt fedt i butikken i Taastrup. for de havde sat det op med et super OLED TV og med masser af lyd fra nogle suveræne højttalere. Jeg havde fulgt med på live-timingen derhjemme, så jeg havde en idé om, at det var en god tid jeg lavede. Jeg blev super glad, da jeg fik beskeden om, at jeg havde vundet konkurrencen”, fortalte den nykårede nordiske mester-racer Peter Bielefeldt


Imponerende fremmøde

Ikke alene deltagerne havde gode oplevelser. Thomas Nielsen fra Hi-Fi Klubbens hovedkvarter i Lystrup var imponeret over fremmødet.

“En kæmpe oplevelse. Næsten 2.000 gamere havde lagt vejen forbi vores butikker. Gaming er stadig ret nyt for os i Hi-Fi Klubben, så der er garanteret masser af ting, vi ikke ved om det endnu. Til gengæld ved vi næsten alt om god lyd, både til musik og film. Og i dag bliver lyden til mange spil produceret lige så flot som til store Hollywood-film. Derfor kan vi kun anbefale gamere til at kigge forbi til hi-fi test med deres spil”

Crusaders of Light Launches “Shadows of Sardar”

Major update increases level cap to 55, expands map by 33 percent, and introduces new skills, raids and dungeons
NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES) just launched “Shadows of Sardar”, the largest content update to date for Crusaders of Light, the company’s mobile MMORPG, available as a free-to-play download on the App Store, Google Play, and Facebook Gameroom for PC. Named after the Sardar Highlands, a new area available on the game’s broadened map, “Shadows of Sardar” adds a level cap increase, new character and class skills, and more treacherous yet rewarding raids.
A new trailer celebrating the update can be seen here:
Crusaders of Light’s “Shadows of Sardar” update encompasses the following new content:

·       Level Cap Increase to Level 55: Players can unlock the ability to reach Level 55 when their server completes some of the most challenging content yet available. Once they do, players will be able to reach new heights of power while also increasing the potency of their legendary equipment.

·       New Zone: Featuring a new playable area representing a 33 percent size increase in the game’s overall map, the all-new Sardar Highlands zone gives players the opportunity to explore new lands, roam grassy hills, visit a haunting manor and travel to the regal Karanvale city.

·       New Raids: The new Core of Crystal Rock raid will allow seven to 10 players to explore the depths of a vast crystalline cavern and battle its monstrous beasts and ghostly foes, while the addition of a new “Mystica” level will offer increased difficulty for the game’s existing raids.

·       New Skills: Character skills now increase from three to 10, and two new skills are added for each class — meaning players can pick the perfect skill rotation, and utilize skills in combinations previously undreamed.
Dive into the new content, available now! Download the game today from the App Store, Google Play, or Facebook Gameroom by visiting:
Whether at home or on the go, Crusaders of Light players can set virtual foot in a gorgeous 3D fantasy world and experience over 300 hours of available gameplay, featuring 40-person raids, crafting customizations and increasingly difficult dungeon trials. Players can play how they like, where they like, switching easily between mobile and PC using their same character.

Finally available on Steam: Elevator… to the Moon!

Elevator… to the Moon! is one of the greatest VR games of the year 2017. Don’t believe us? Here are some quotes of what real actual players think of our experience:


“Loved every minute of the game.”
“Looks, sounds and plays great!”
“It’s everything I wanted it to be!”
“I absolutely love this game!”


At long last the wait is over: The best Virtual Reality game of Gamescom 2017 (according to Elite Gamer) is now available on Steam. Take a wild ride on a dilapidated lunar elevator. Fix your odd space vehicle while off-kilter and loudmouthed president of the world, Doug-Slater Roccmeier yells at you for not following every instruction to the point. Take the trip to its end, where dark and horrible mysteries on the moon are just waiting to be uncovered.


Elevator… to the Moon! is no one trick pony. After you’ve finished the storyline, there is a perplexing alternate ending to experience, many achievements to unlock and fun little secrets to be discovered. As you can see, there is enough action going on to satisfy your lust for entertainment for quite a while.


Celebrate the launch of Elevator… to the Moon! on Steam with us and buy the game now – at a discounted price for only $7.99, available only for a limited time. But even at its regular price, Elevator… to the Moon! won’t break the bank at just $9.99.


Can’t wait for your download to finish so you can finally start your very own adventure to the moon? We’ve got you covered. Please enjoy a little something to get you in the right mood for our Elevator! Here is a special something : Elevator Music Forever Loop.


Of course we also provide Review-Codes for all editors and influencers. If you would like to check out the game please reach out and we will provide a key for you.


Get the game:
Elevator… to the Moon! On Steam

Your favourite SEGA console is OUT NOW in retail across the Nordic countries!

SEGA Mega Drive Classic Game Console HD 

Bring back all the good memories that you had with SEGA!

SEGA is proud to present SEGA Mega Drive Classic Game Console HD. The new console is going to bring back the classic console games including the fan favourites Mortal Combat, the Sonic Series, and a lot more. Consumers can now enjoy their favourite SEGA games in a new way. SEGA Mega Drive Classic Game Console HD is an enhanced plug and play-version of the original console that sold over 35 million units. It is a great opportunity to experience your exciting childhood memories all over again or surprise your loved ones with an amazing and original gift.


Product features:

  • Two 2.4G Wireless Controllers
  • HDMI port supporting 720p HD
  • Multiple Display Modes
  • Original Controller Ports

Including entire catalogue of 85 amazing games:

  • Mortal Kombat I, II, III
  • Virtua Fighter 2
  • Altered Beast
  • Phantasy Star series
  • Sonic series



Adventure in the Park / Air Hockey / Black Sheep / Bomber / Bottle Taps Race / Brain Switch / Break a Fireline / Bubble Master / Cannon / Checker / Chess / Jewel Magic / Jura Formula / Jurassic Jungle / Lost World Sudoku / Mahjong Solitaire / Meatloaf Rotation / Mega Brain Switch / Memory / Mirror Mirror / Mr. Balls / Mya Master Mind / Naval Power / Panic Lift / Plumbing Contest / Skeleton Scale / Snake / Spider / T-Rex Memory Match / Wall-Breaking / Warehouse Keeper / Whack-A-Wolf / Yawning Triceratops / Golden Axe / Mortal Kombat / Phantasy Star IV / Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi / Sonic & Knuckles / Sonic the Hedgehog / Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle / Alien Storm / Altered Beast / Arrow Flash / Bonanza Bros. / Chakan: The Forever Man / Columns / Columns III / Comix Zone / Crack Down / Decap Attack / Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine / ESWAT: City Under Siege / Eternal Champions / Fatal Labyrinth / Flicky / Gain Ground / Golden Axe II / Golden Axe III / Jewel Master / Kid Chameleon / Phantasy Star II / Phantasy Star III / Ristar / Cross the road / Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master / Sonic Spinball / Sonic the Hedgehog 2 / Sonic 3D Blast / Sword of Vermilion / The Ooze / Vectorman / Vectorman 2 / Virtua Fighter 2 / Mortal Kombat II / Mortal Kombat 3 / Curling 2010 / Dinosaur Puzzle / Dominant Amber / Fight or Lose / Flash Memory / Hangman / Hexagonos / Hidden Agenda / Hide and Seek / Jack’s Pea